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P.E.P. Success Stories

Improvements are Tangible

"The gains continue long after the P.E.P sessions end.  My son is much more attentive and focused with everyday details."

    - Carol Marks, Ph.D.



"P.E.P. goes back to correct the root of the problem rather than a Band-Aid approach.  It has made a tremendous difference to the students in our school who completed the program."

 - Jim Cummesky, Headmaster

           Montessori deTerra Linda School



"My sixth grader improved his math score 50% on the national normed school tests after one round of P.E.P.  He now understands math and loves it!"

 - John & Tina Cheplick



"My daughter's reading fluency has improved after completing P.E.P.  She now reads on grade level with confidence."

    - Bruce & Ann Adams

"When my daughter was in elementary school she attended CET with Katherine Lackey.  She completed two levels of the Perceptual Enrichment Program to enhance her visual and cognitive processing skills.  The program helped her to learn how to problem-solve and think on an abstract level.  She increased her cognitive abilities to eventually graduate from  the University of Arizona with high honors.  She credits her experiences with Katherine as a positive step in her educational achievements."

    - Phyllis E. Bee, M.Ed.

© 2014 by Center for Educational Therapy

Tucson, AZ

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